EVEREST Triggers and Actions
Below is a list of triggers and actions available on EVEREST via Zapier at the time of publication. Keep in mind that additional options may now be available on Zapier, Power Automate, or Workato to further streamline your workflows.
Service Created
Triggers when a new service is created.
Mission Created
Triggers when a new mission is created.
Invoice Deleted
Triggers when an invoice is deleted.
Draft Mission Validated
Triggers when a draft mission is validated and the corresponding mission is created.
Draft Mission Deleted
Triggers when a draft mission is deleted.
and 5 more triggers
EVEREST doesn't offer (yet) any Trigger on Zapier.
Get Vehicle Types
Retrieve the list of platform vehicle types
Get Slots
Retrieve the list of time slots for which creating a mission is possible
Get Missions by Ref
Retrieve informations about some missions given their ref
Get Invoices
Retrieve a list of invoices
Get Infos
Retrieve informations about the platform
and 5 more actions
EVEREST doesn't offer (yet) any Action on Zapier.