Exact Online Bouw Triggers and Actions
Below is a list of triggers and actions available on Exact Online Bouw via Zapier at the time of publication. Keep in mind that additional options may now be available on Zapier, Power Automate, or Workato to further streamline your workflows.
Get Projects
Polling for new projects that are created. Sorted by updated At descending and limited by 200 for every call. Option to add query to filter out projects.
and more triggers
Exact Online Bouw doesn't offer (yet) any Trigger on Zapier.
Create Planitem
Creating a planitem based on the start and end date of the project.
Create Contact
Contact aanmaken
Create Project
Project aanmaken
Create Object
Het aanmaken van objecten
and more actions
Exact Online Bouw doesn't offer (yet) any Action on Zapier.