Pipedrive Triggers and Actions
Below is a list of triggers and actions available on Pipedrive via Zapier at the time of publication. Keep in mind that additional options may now be available on Zapier, Power Automate, or Workato to further streamline your workflows.
Updated Deal
Triggers when an existing deal is updated.
Updated Deal Stage
Triggers when a deal's stage is updated.
Person Matching Filter
Triggers when a person newly matches a Pipedrive filter for the first time.
Organization Matching Filter
Triggers when an organization newly matches a Pipedrive filter for the first time.
New Note
Triggers when a new note is created.
and 10 more triggers
Pipedrive doesn't offer (yet) any Trigger on Zapier.
Find Multiple Leads
Finds multiple leads based on your search criteria, only returns the Lead IDs.
Find or Create Organization
Finds an organization by name, or creates one if none is found.
Find Multiple Deals
Finds multiple deals by title, notes or custom fields.
Find or Create Activity
Finds an activity by subject, or creates one if none is found.
Find Task
Searches for tasks by title, description, or other criteria.
and 39 more actions
Pipedrive doesn't offer (yet) any Action on Zapier.