Priority Triggers and Actions
Below is a list of triggers and actions available on Priority via Zapier at the time of publication. Keep in mind that additional options may now be available on Zapier, Power Automate, or Workato to further streamline your workflows.
Get Lead Types
Fetch a list of lead types
Get Gender Code
Fetch a list of gender codes
Get Campaigns
Fetch a list of Campaigns
Catch Changed Customer Order Status Webhook
Catch Customer Orders that their status changed from Priority
Get Job Number
Fetch a list of job numbers
and 3 more triggers
Priority doesn't offer (yet) any Trigger on Zapier.
Update Sales Order Status
Update the status of the sales order after it's creation
Link Customer to a Lead
Assign a customer to an existing lead
Find the Country Name by Two Letter Code
If your source app provides country in a 2 letter code fashion, use this step to convert it to the country name and send to your next step in the ZAP
Update Sales Opportunity Status
Update the status of your sales opportunity in Priority given that you know the opportunity code
Find Customer by Email
Having an email address find if it belongs to an existing customer in Priority mostly useful for multistep zaps
and 1 more actions
Priority doesn't offer (yet) any Action on Zapier.