Weather by Zapier Triggers and Actions
Below is a list of triggers and actions available on Weather by Zapier via Zapier at the time of publication. Keep in mind that additional options may now be available on Zapier, Power Automate, or Workato to further streamline your workflows.
Today's Forecast
Receive a daily weather forecast. Always triggers once a day around 7AM, your local time. Respects your Zapier time zone settings.
Will It Rain Today?
Only triggers if it will rain today. Checks once a day around 7AM, your local time. Respects your Zapier time zone settings.
and more triggers
Weather by Zapier doesn't offer (yet) any Trigger on Zapier.
Get Tomorrow's Forecast
Gets tomorrow's forecasted weather conditions for a location.
Get Current Weather
Gets the current weather conditions for a location.
and more actions
Weather by Zapier doesn't offer (yet) any Action on Zapier.