Discover the new version of RowShare

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At RowShare, we aim to offer a solution both simple to use and that adapts to our customers needs. Why? Because RowShare is not here to make your processes more burdensome. On the contrary: it is here to help you save time every day.

To make sure that RowShare matches its ambitions, we have decided a few months ago to revamp our collaborative tables. And the new version of RowShare is now up and running!

The best way to discover it and its possibilities: start a free trial now.

What's new ?

A new sleek design that puts your data at the center of the stage so you can exploit it easily.

Improved performances and seamless interface, even for really (really) large tables!

And new features!

Some that will help you work together like our new Reminder feature.

Notify your coworkers in just three clicks! Select the rows that you need updated by your coworkers, click on Remind, add a personal note, and that's it.

You wish to draw your coworkers’ attention to some information, send a message about a specific line or send a reminder ? No need to waste time sending emails anymore. From now on, you can notify your coworkers withouth leaving RowShare!

Some that will simplify the use of our tables

Move columns by drag & drop and enjoy more advanced filters.

Some features that will improve the user experience

You can now pin and hide colums straight from their menu or resize them easily. Discover a redesigned total bar that is always visible regardless of your scroll height.

Some that will help you unleash your data to express its full potential

Copy part or all you table and paste it in an Excel file, an email or a text.

Enjoy a true high-fidelity print feature !

And it's just a start. Our product team is already working on the next features to make your tables even more collaborative.

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