RowShare, a perfect blend of privacy and efficiency for Secom board of directors

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Can you share a short description about your company ?

We are a family-owned network of companies based in Nantes (western France). Our first company was founded in 1978 by the parents of the present executive directors. We regroup 22 companies and count 500 coworkers in three areas, Mobility, Energy and Manufacturing.
We operate in France but since 2012 we are expanding internationally. We now have offices in 8 countries (France, Finland, Spain, Turkey, Germany, Mauritius, Côte d’Ivoire, Cambodia). Our executive directors are never short of ideas : me might expand in other countries soon.

What business problems were you trying to solve with RowShare ?

In order to keep track of all ongoing and future actions, our CEO needed to regroup all roadmaps in one single table and ensure synergy across senior management. Managers should be able to refer to this table regularly with a specific focus on their own missions to make sure our activities remained confidential. Therefore, this table required specific access rights at least concerning the rows you could view. The head of a company within the group should not see his peers data.

How were you addressing this issue before using RowShare ?

Before RowShare, our CEO used an Excel spreadsheet and we had to extract the rows assigned to each manager each time we were requested. It was time-consuming and lacked efficiency because the spreadsheet had a restricted access. Moreover, managers created their own Excel monitoring spreadsheets, which multiplied the tools and data entered, resulting in a lack of coordination.

Have you considered other solutions ? Why did you choose RowShare over the alternatives ?

We considered using Monday but RowShare bundled more required features. Moreover, since the start-up spirit is dear to our executive directors, we were easily seduced by your background and your product.

RowShare has enabled good collaboration and efficient feedback. We like that we can centralize up-to-date information and give access to each manager just the relevant information.

Executive Assistant, Secom

How was the implementation ? Did you need help ?

The implementation went very well and we particularly aprreciated being able to try RowShare for free for two months. Indeed, before we gave access to all users, we asked a few of our coworkers to test the features and give us some feedback on their use and their needs. Configuring Rowshare took a few weeks but it was easy and simple. Before deploying the tool, I organized a 30 mn session with each user to explain how to use it. We seldom used the online support but each time we did they were quick to respond and effective.

How is RowShare used in your business ?

We have about 25 users, all are managers or directors.
With RowShare they can refer to their own roadmap and develop it depending on their access rights. Users can also visualize (but not edit) other tables in order to share confidential information.

What do you like in RowShare ? How does it help you ?

Thanks to RowShare, we have optimized our processes around the roadmaps of our managers. We were also able to implement other follow-ups that proved to be essential, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to RowShare we maintained good collaboration and efficient feedback. We like that we can centralize up-to-date information and give access simultaneously to several users with different settings. Each one will see only the rows and columns he needs to see.
A perfect blend of privacy and efficiency.

How has RowShare helped you to save time and money or avoid risks ?

Without a doubt, the platform saved us both time and money: Extracting rows from Excel spreadsheets is no longer necessary. Now there is only one roadmap filled in by various stakeholders.
We have also quickly started creating other RowShare tables for other needs. We keep our information confidential thanks to the confidentiality settings.

Have you ever been in touch with the support team ? What did you think ?

The configuration and use of RowShare is simple and we seldom used support but our experience is positive. The support team is available and pleasant.

Would you recommend RowShare ?

Yes, without hesitation.